Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Step Back

Already it feels as if it’s Friday except I don’t have that Friday feeling. Yesterday was a long day even though we finished slightly earlier than usual and today was exhausting even though physically I’ve achieved little. So it’s with little fulfillment that I write this weeks journal entry. This gloomy slide possibly began early, very early, Monday morning as I contemplated the joys of wrestling with Dreamweaver for the day. I regret to admit I did not approach Monday with PMA [positive mental attitude] that my website would all fall into place, but more PMF [pigs might fly]. However, by the end of the day I felt I had made good progress which filled me with optimism about what I could now achieve in self-study .

Today has been mainly focussed on the ‘real world’ with our visit to the Design Mechanics. It was something I had been looking forward to for a while but has left a certain numbness in my mind. This is by no means a reflection of the Design Mechanics itself. Nor is it a disappointment about the quality or professionalism of the work they produce. It is more a personal reaction to the hard-nosed, highly competitive design industry then we are all striving to have a, seemingly insignificant, place in. I am a realist and I do not expect to fall into my dream job immediately but it really bought to light the harsh reality facing us at the end of the course. In particular the realisation that however much we strive to learn over the next few months there will always be a substantial short-fall in our knowledge and level of skill. This has particular resonance as increasingly I’m equating time to money and the interest is already building on the time I’ve borrowed. On a more positive note the visit did install in me a confidence that I am by no means wasting my time, but I should think carefully about exactly how I invest it over the next 18 months.

With regard to A6 I feel I am progressing well and I’m still greatly enthused with the creative potential of the unit. I see the hand out to accompany the presentation as another opportunity to explore and create. But referring to my earlier comments on time wasting I must ensure I don’t over indulge and neglect the development of my technical knowledge.

On a more random note I met the mayor of Wakefield today and was given an opportunity to present a piece of work. This was quite a bizarre moment with little apparent academic relevance. However, it was fundamental in adjusting my, self-absorbed, perspective and acknowledging the wider world again. It was refreshing to once again be reminded of the unpredictable, transient and beautiful world in which we live. Sometimes it is all to easy to loose sight of that, sometimes stepping back is the best thing you can do.


John Browne said...

Hey Michelle, from looking at your website earlier on in the week it appears you are progressing greatly. Having been the bravest of us all, taking on the privelage of talking to the Mayor about our work is something that should be applauded for. So michelle, weldone...

DREW said...

It seems you have had an interesting week with mixed feelings. Did many of you go to the design mechanics?

Was it specifically the Design mechanics, do you think, that caused you to feel disheartened by the industry?

Julian Dyer said...

The only way to cure the 'short fall' in your skill level is to do more. The course effectively acts as an introduction, and taking oppertunities to look further into things is something you have to do in your own time, if you have it available.

If you evidence the kind of things you learn, even better, as these are higher level skills.

I also felt that my technical skills weren't up to much in the first year, especially when it came to making sites. I overcame this by doing little projects which would develop my skills.

If you're genuinely worried about a lack of technicals skills, focus on them. I hated the A5 unit because I found it complicated, but I really enjoyed it in the final assignment because forced myself to learn it - there is a lot more satisfaction gained from doing both of them together.

Michelle Bonfield said...

@Drew; It was just a group of four that visited the Design Mechanics, so it gave us a good opportunity to have a one on one chat with the designers.

I don't think it was the Design Mechanics that caused the disheartened feelings more the thought process it provoked. I guess it was more a personal realisation of the type and availability of jobs for people in our position.

What are your thoughts as you prepare to enter the job market?

DREW said...

Sorry for the late reply. I am optimistic about getting a job in the industry. I am aware that it isn't easy to get employment as I have already had first hand experience with rejection. I do have a lot of self belief and pride in my work though, I hope this doesn't come accross as arrogance.