Tuesday, 26 February 2008

How to Suck a Lemon

The end is insight yet with it comes the bittersweet experience of relief tainted with overtones of anxiety and stress! Although I feel my website is pretty much complete the more I test the more I want to tweek and the longer my to-do list becomes! Looking back I have to say I feel I’ve come a long way since my first decidedly dodgy page designs. It has been a rather queer experience into the unknown, rather bitter at times but now fairly refreshing. I’m sure I will look back with a wry grin at what will seem a very amateurish website but right now I’m quite proud of how it’s turned out. The rest of this week will be dedicated to collating my useabilty testing to form an evaluation based on the project goals. Equally I’m sure the feedback form will require much tweeking as I have been still unable to upload the now version due to Internet connection problems.

Today has been dedicated to perfecting my presentation and tidying up sketchbooks as I was unable to complete the times task from home because of a medieval Internet connection. This has been rather frustrating as I feel I had performed well in the tasks up until now. Equally I feel it will put at somewhat of an disadvantage next week, still, some things can’t be helped.


  • Ensure consistency between pages
  • Do final validation checks
  • Collate useabilty testing to form an evaluation based on my project goals
  • Rehearse presentation
  • Live and breathe sketch books


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Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Michelle

I love the way you are paying for your tuition by hosting adverts on your journal comments!

The anxiety of submission i believe is shared amongst everyone in the class.

I cannot believe how quickly yet another term has gone!

We will be second years before we know it!

“Don't waste time learning the "tricks of the trade. Instead, learn the trade.”

Suzanne Hullah said...

Next week will bring the most pressured day I think we've had on the course so far. The timed tasks on tuesday along with an evaluation post tied up with bringing our folder together will certainly create a 'heads down' atmosphere.

Another way of thinking of things would be to think of it like this: After submission next tuesday, we only have one assignment left before we've finish our first year!

Gary Benn said...

I dont think it will or should be any different from our last few timed tasks. I think most of us have got used to them and semi-know what to expect from them. There more you think about future stress the more stressed you will become. I find it easier to just walk on in confidence. Or at least to put on a confident face.

I think the most stressful combination is going to be the fact the timed tasks are after the presentation. It is going to be a hard day for all of us.

We will get through it. The we got a short break before reading week to really relax.

John Browne said...

Where were you on Tuesday. I understand the feeling of the active mind. Always wanting to make something better and improve on your own personal skills.

I beleive in the up coming assignments, we will be able to explore our creativity a lot more.

During the build assignment I have hit all sorts of experiences, good and bad. I was over the moon to get the form working perfectley, but that has now come to a sudden halt as the validation doesn't suite the needs of W3C. Other problems come in the browser appearences. With time our skills will progress to a stage where a problem will be seen as just another input to improve our websites.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I can really relate to the reality shock that hit me when I realised that A6 wasn't going to be as easy as it initially sounded. The amount of research into software and our chosen typographer certainly filled self study hours each week! This should teach us that in future, don't underestimate just how much work can go into the simplest of tasks. That way if less work is required, it will be a pleasant surprise!