Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Dead Calm...

The title really says it all, not particularly for me but more a statement about the group ethos this week. In a sense it has been a surprisingly pleasant hand in with a feeling of togetherness amongst the group. Well that’s everyone apart from Gary who imposed his obvious superiority with his callas rejection of my plastic sleeve! However, contrary to this my feelings over the week have been somewhat more chaotic, nothing new there then.

Really, this week should have been a breeze, I had an entire week solely dedicated to completing the assignment, but yet again circumstances over took. So instead my leisurely week was completely over shadowed and my time was distilled once more. Thankfully my major task for the week was one that I enjoyed, involving completing my screen designs in InDesign. This all went without a hitch and it was pleasing to see the designs professional presented. It gave me a real sense of reality as to the direction this course was taking me in. In-fact, even though it is earlier on in the course, I often muse about the future career I am heading towards with a real sense of delight. I finally feel that after several ‘detours’ I’m on the right track, about time really!

The rest of my time this week was dedicated to the dreaded ‘humdrum’ evaluation. As usual my time estimation for this task may as well have been pulled from a hat, hopefully next project I may get a little nearer the mark. Anyway, progress was initially slow which was mainly due to my inability to simplify things. After taking great pains to detail every breath I’d taken over the past six weeks I scrapped the whole thing, made a nice scribble diagram in my sketchbook and began to move forward. The unfortunate interim fire bell created a completely loss of focus which really didn’t help a great deal, such is life. The remaining tasks seemed to fade into insignificance, but of course were all of equal importance none the less.

My main concerns about the project, which always have a tendency to linger on, mainly surround the technical aspects of the unit. I hope I have grasped these well enough to pass the unit and I’m determined not to feel this way next unit! Equally as I reflect, I know I made un-necessary work for myself revising references and indexing my sketchbooks. Most of all I must sort out my time management and this means revising outside work commitments. Back to being a dirty student again, lucky I like beans.

So the deadline has passed and we all made it through. Well done to everyone, enjoy your break and thanks for the birthday card it was a really nice thought!


darofalk said...

good blog!



darofalk said...

like you the flaming lips???


darofalk said...

or gorkys zygotic mynci....

Gary Benn said...

I know what you are trying to say about the technical side of things. But I don't think at this stage the course is looking for brain surgeons. As long as we show a general understanding and/or have researched the areas efficiently we will be fine.
I think we are all having that after doubt about our assignments. Once we get our results after half term I reckon we will be happier even if we don't succeed first time, at least then we will have a better understanding of what is required.

Nice to see the very productive comments from darofalk!

Shaun Bellis said...

Very well written entry; very entertaining.

I think that we are all of the same frame of mind now that the first assignment is completed.

Looking forward to the next one.

I too found darofalk's comments very informative, I would very much like to hear his views on web accessibility.

Julian Dyer said...

It is a nice feeling when you look at the work you have done and it looks professional, as you say in your post Michelle. Steve will also pick up on these things, so it is always important to look through the assignment and think ‘does this look professional in its presentation?’. This is an eye for detail you may have developed on past courses, and it is still needed here.

The evaluation can be tricky to write sometimes, as it hard to structure it well when you have so much to say. I would advise that you use your blog posts to remind yourself how you were feeling about the project at that time. Each paragraph in your essay could talk about the project week by week, before you sum up with things which you will do different next time.