This week has passed with considerable speed as now seems to be the norm. It’s difficult to assess my current progress as my mind presently seems unable to focus on any one task. Every element of the whole project is careering around my poor bewildered head and the control and focus I had on Monday morning is ‘temporarily unavailable’.
However, I feel it is important, in the traditional British way, to keep a stiff upper lip! I’m not entirely sure what this will do, or even how to achieve it, but I’m sure if I do manage it it’ll do absolutely no good. So back on track, what have I learnt this week? I have learnt that simple tasks are not simple, time planning is not my forte and the quality of my Blog entries is deteriorating. The actions I have taken to resolve this are;
- Make sure I have all the back up research complete before starting any final task
- Be more disciplined in my time keeping and move on to the next task after the allocated time period
- Don’t rely on my frazzled brain to write a Blog on Tuesday afternoon, start a rough draft Monday evening
On reflection my current state of being in a state is not due to my complete incompetence but more the pressures of life. One thing I have learnt is that these pressures cannot be ignored but must be dealt with. Those of you who work, travel, live busy lives I empathise with you and thank-you for the support Chris, and equally the comments everyone has made so far. Those of you who are lucky enough just to be able to focus on the course make the most of it, you are in a really privileged situation make sure you push yourself to your full potential!
So this week I have an awful lot to do, unfortunately Royal Mail may suffer a devastating blow but it will be for a greater good. I feel positive about the impeding deadline and all I can do is work as hard as I can to meet it, worrying never helps. So Good luck to everyone else and remember we’re all in this together!
Targets for next week
- Complete competitive analysis of 2nd website
- Refine screen designs
- Complete screen designs
- Review past project sections
- Comment on Blogs of others…I promise!!
- Learn how to survive without sleep
Good luck with the learning to live without sleep target, that should be an interesting one. I can empathise with you about your situation with work and travel, and I imagine juggling the different parts of your life is really difficult, especially when giving up any part really isn't an option. I think your time planning will really have to take the lead to get stuff under control... both planning and rigidly sticking to the timetables you have planned. Not as easy as it sounds!!
Good luck!
hey who's setting the wagers on the sleep task??? only joking!. I agree with Tom, although it may be the most difficult task in the assignment, you will need to manage your time effectively in order to acheive your goals...
I understand completely where you're coming from Michelle about juggling life, work and college. I have to do it myself and it can be challenging sometimes.
Make sure you keep your enthusiasm for the course. That's the biggest thing to keep up in times of hardship.
The grass is always greener…
I find that having nothing to do outside college makes it equally hard. I am constantly on the lookout for outside projects to fill up my time, as this forces me to plan my college projects around my out of college projects. It’s very easy to slip into a comfort zone when there is no pressure and little to fill your time, and you end up haemorrhaging time because of an ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ mind set.
If you are finding it hard to keep on top of things, the only way to sort it is to plan your way out. This will soon clarify what you have to do so you can get on with it.
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