This will be a rather short entry as illness has rather impeded and is still impeding progress. However, I've got the revised logo design nearly complete just need some feedback on its final layout and colour scheme.
So variations with the border;

Equally colour scheme 'a' or 'b'? [see below]

These are obviously high-tech versions the standard design is shown below;

I'd greatly appreciate any feedback so I can get the logo finalised and applied to the promotional material. I will also, hopefully, be posting some artwork ideas nearer the end of the week.
- Complete Style Guide
- Push development of Artwork for feedback
Its only an opinion so if your fixated on a certain design, but I think definatly for number 1.
The outline boreders the edge of the logo, and in my opinion the colour scheme suits better then the other shown in 'B'.
I think you should use an idea that doesn't have a border. It does limit you when using the logo for things like watermarks, having only part of the logo on a page, etc. Trust me, having used a border, it can be a problem for some ideas. Of course there are ways of designing around these issues, but it's something to bear in mind. Looking at your business card designs, a border wouldn't work.
I like how you've moved on with some next generation logo ideas, they've come out nice. But I still think there's a little too much going on in the logo as a whole, people should have to be able to recognise things at a glance, rather than have to stand and study the logo to work out the brand.
Try rounding off the corners where the lines meet the circles, I think this might give it more of a free form idea and maybe relate its self more to ambient music. Though I can see where you've gone for the scientific effect.
I like the way you have created 2 versions of the logo, flat and a next gen one.
With regards to the border I think Idea 2 is the best! It kind of breaks it up and gives it some more interest rather than a 'boring box'.
Colour- it would have to be B. I think these are much stronger!
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